Elise Wang Headshot

Contact Information

elwang@fullerton.eduOpens in new window

Office: GH-427

Voice: 657-278-3899

Dept: 657-278-3163

Elise Wang

Assistant Professor


My research focuses on the language of justice in medieval literature, and I am particularly interested in how “old” ideas of guilt and morality can expand our understanding of our own, contemporary problems. My current book project concerns felony in medieval literature and argues that some aspects of felony were originally and essentially literary, which means that I treat poets as serious legal thinkers and read legal documents with an eye to their language and form. I am also working on a project on secrecy and conspiracy narratives, following up on a long-standing interest in conspiracy theories (both medieval and modern). Before coming to CSUF in 2020, I spent two years teaching at Duke University, and before that received my doctorate from Princeton University. During that time, I also spent five years teaching writing and literature in New Jersey correctional facilities.


2018, Ph.D., Princeton University
2011, M.St., Oxford University
2007, A.B., Harvard University

Research Areas

Literatures of late medieval England; Piers Plowman; legal history; punishment theory; premodern race and critical race theory; conspiracy narratives; early global literatures.