Sheryl  Fontaine

Contact Information

Voice: 657-278-3528

Dept: 657-278-3528

Sheryl Fontaine

Professor / Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences


Ph.D. English and American Literature, specialization Composition Pedagogy & Theory University of California, San Diego

Research Areas

The discipline of composition, writing program administration, composing pedagogy, responding to writing, and the relationship between reading and writing.

Courses Regularly Taught

Composition and Rhetoric.


Writing Your Way Through College (with Cherryl Smith), NH: Heinemann, 2008; Extending Our Reach of Influence: Composition Specialists in Positions of University Administration (edited with Susan M. Hunter), forthcoming; A Guide to Collaborative Writing in Composition (edited with Susan M. Hunter), MA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004; Writing with Peter: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Peter Elbow (edited with Pat Belanoff, Marcia Dickson, and Charles Moran)UT: Utah State UP, 2002; Shoptalk for College Writers (with Cherryl Smith), TX: Harcourt Brace, 1999; Foregrounding Ethical Awareness in Composition and English Studies (edited with Susan M. Hunter) NH: Heinemann, 1998; Writing Ourselves into the Story: Unheard Voices from Composition Studies (edited with Susan M. Hunter), IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1993; Nothing Begins with N: New Investigations of Freewriting (edited with Pat Belanoff, Peter Elbow) UT: Utah State UP, 1991. And essays in Teaching Creatively, Changing College Classrooms: The Challenge of Educating Students for the 21st Century; Culture Shock, Training the New Wave in Rhetoric and Composition, College Composition and Communication, Rhetoric Review, Writing Center Journal, and Journal of Advanced Composition.

Office Hours

Fall 2024

To Be Announced