Please apply for all English, Com. Lit,, and Linguistics Department scholarships
through our application link below. 

Scholarships and Awards

The Department of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics awards scholarships and prizes for academic excellence as well as for outstanding service to the department. Scholarships are awarded each year to selected students who excel academically and demonstrate economic need. Scholarship Applications are due the Friday after Spring Break, April 11th by 11:59pm.

Apply HereOpens in new window

See all Spring 2025 Application Requirements and Procedures HerePDF File Opens in new window

Recommendation letters can be dropped off in person at our office (GH-322)
or emailed directly to: 

Open for Student Applications

English, Comparative Literature Scholarship (Amount: Varies)

This scholarship was established and funded by faculty and staff members of the Department of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics to recognize and honor students who are AB 540 status and have demonstrated financial need. It is open to new and continuing students who are pursuing an undergraduate or a graduate degree in English, Comparative Literature, or Linguistics.

JEVID Scholarship (Amount: Varies)

This scholarship is open to students who meet the following criteria: 1) are enrolled as an undergraduate student at California State University, Fullerton; 2) are majoring in English, Comparative Literature, or Linguistics and maintaining a 2.0 or above GPA; and 3) meet one or more of the following criteria: demonstrated financial need, including, but not limited, to an individual who is the first in his/her family to attend college, or an individual who is a single parent and/or head of household, or an individual from a group underrepresented in higher education.

Joan Greenwood Scholarship (Amount: Varies)

This fellowship was created in memory of Professor Joan Greenwood to support graduate and undergraduate students in English or Comparative Literature. The scholarship is open to all students who meet the following criteria: 1) Enrolled in graduate or undergraduate degree program in English or Comparative Literature; 2) Minimum 3.0 GPA; 3) Evidence of timely progress toward graduation; 4) Evidence of financial need; 5) Letter of recommendation from CSUF English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics faculty member.

Kimberly Anne Holloway Scholarship (Amount: $500)

This award was established by Hilda L. and Daniel C. Holloway in memory of their daughter, Kimberly Anne Holloway, 2002, a graduate of the Department of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics. The scholarship recognizes a student for academic excellence and assist the recipient to complete a baccalaureate degree in English, comparative literature, or linguistics.

About Kimberly Anne Holloway 

Kristina J. Hutchins Memorial Scholarship for the Study of Women's Literature (Amount: $1000)

This scholarship was established in memory of Kristina J. Hutchins to support a new or continuing undergraduate or graduate student pursuing the study of women's literature.

About Kristina J. Hutchins

Robert R. Hodges Fellowship (Amount: Varies)

This fellowship was created in memory of Professor Robert R. Hodges to support graduate and undergraduate students in English or Comparative Literature. The scholarship is open to all students who meet the following criteria: 1) Enrolled in graduate or undergraduate degree program in English or Comparative Literature; 2) Minimum 3.0 GPA; 3) Evidence of timely progress toward graduation; 4) Evidence of financial need; 5) Letter of recommendation from CSUF English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics faculty member.

About Dr. Robert R. Hodges

Salz Pollak Scholarship (Amount: Varies)

This Scholarship was created by the Salz-Pollak family to provide scholarships for students in English and Comparative Literature.

Faculty Nominated Awards

English Excellence Award 

Provides a scholarship to students majoring in English or Comparative Literature. Selection is based on the applicant's academic record and by faculty nomination.

Patricia Bruner Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is open  to graduate students in Linguistics who are pursuing a graduate degree. This award recognizes academic excellence in the field of Linguistics. Selection is based on the applicant’s academic record and by faculty nomination.