Major in Comparative Literature
The Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature emphasizes the comparative study of literatures across the globe. The comparative literature major trains students to see the world as a network of relations that transcends national or temporal boundaries. Students also have the chance to develop leadership skills in English service organizations and to hone advanced research and communication techniques through collaborative research with their fellow students and with faculty.
In addition to taking courses in various national literatures and in English translation, comparative literature students learn how to develop connections between literature and other fields of study. For example, students might develop surprising connections among authors of differing eras and cultures, or make interdisciplinary comparisons among philosophical, sociological, political, artistic, and literary texts of differing eras. With this global perspective, students may enter a number of fields that require the understanding of different cultures.
The Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature requires a minimum of 120 units which includes courses for the major, General Education, all University requirements, and free electives. The comparative literature major consists of 42 units. In selecting courses, students MUST consult a faculty adviser. Students can also use the Comparative Literature major academic worksheet
to track their classes.
I. Required Courses (30 units)
A. Basic courses required of all Comparative Literature majors (12 units)
ENGL 300 Analysis of Literary Forms (3)
ENGL 301 Advanced College Writing (3)
CPLT 324 World Literature to 1650 (3)
CPLT 325 World Literature from 1650 (3)
and one of the following:
CPLT 450 Medieval Literature (3)
CPLT 451 Literature of the Renaissance (3)
Plus an additional 9 units of upper-division Comparative Literature courses, selected from among the following:
CPLT 312 The Bible as Literature (3)
CPLT 315 Classical Mythology in World Literature (3)
CPLT 355T Images of Women in Literature (3, variable topic)
CPLT 380 Introduction to Asian Literature (3)
CPLT 381 African Literature (3)
CPLT 382T Topics in Asian Literature (3, variable topic)
CPLT 383 Literature of the Americas (3)
CPLT 384 European Novel (3)
CPLT 499 Independent Study (1-3 units)
B. British and American Literature (6 units)
To be selected from adviser-approved upper-division courses listed under English.
C. Breadth Requirement (6 units)
6 adviser-approved units in related fields, such as anthropology, history, art history, music, history, or philosophy.
II. Electives (9 units)
To be selected among upper-division literature courses listed under the following: Comparative Literature, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish.
III. Reading Competence in Foreign Language
Requirement can be met either by examination or by successful completion of an adviser-approved 400-level course offered by the Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, provided the course is not taught in translation. This course may also count as an elective for the Comparative Literature major.