Major in English
The Bachelor of Arts in English requires a minimum of 120 units which includes courses for the major, General Education, all University requirements, and free electives. The English major consists of 42 units. At least 30 units must be upper-division courses. In selecting courses, students are urged to consult a faculty member of the Department of English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics. English 101, a graduation requirement for all students, is not part of the English major but is a prerequisite to further work in English. Students can use the English major academic advisement worksheet (Fall 2022 catalog year and beyond)
to keep track of classes.
Foundational Courses (9 units)
ENGL 300 Analysis of Literary Forms (3)
ENGL 307 Advanced College Writing in English Studies (3)
ENGL 316 Shakespeare (3)
Survey Courses (at least 6 units)
ENGL 211* British Literature to 1760 (3)
ENGL 212 British Literature from 1760 (3)
ENGL 221* American Literature to 1865 (3)
ENGL 222 American Literature from 1865 (3)
CPLT 324* World Literature to 1650 (3)
CPLT 325* World Literature since 1650 (3)
Critical Language Studies (at least 3 units)
ENGL 303 Structure of Modern English (3)
ENGL 305 The English Language in America (3)
Fields, Frameworks, and Perspectives (at least 3 units)
ENGL 324 Introduction to African American Literature (3)
ENGL 327 Asian American Literature (3)
ENGL 328 Indigenous Literatures in English (3)
ENGL 350 Literature and the Environment (3)
ENGL 356 Queer Literature and Theory (3)
ENGL 379 Caribbean Literature (3)
ENGL/CPLT 380 Introduction to Asian Literature (3)
ENGL 381 African Literature (3)
CPLT 382T Topics in Asian Literature (3)
ENGL 410 Language and Power in African American Culture (3)
ENGL 471 Postcolonial Literature (3)
ENGL 492 Modern Critical Theory (3)
19th-Century, Modern, and Contemporary Literature (at least 3 units)
ENGL 424 African American Modernism ENGL 457 The Romantic Movement in English Literature (3)
ENGL 458 Victorian Literature (3)
ENGL 459 The Development of the 19th Century English Novel (3)
ENGL 460 19th Century American Fiction (3)
ENGL 462 Modern British and American Novels (3)
ENGL 463 Contemporary Novels in English (3)
ENGL 464 Modern British and American Drama (3)
ENGL 465 Contemporary Drama in English (3)
ENGL 466 Modern British and American Poetry (3)
ENGL 467 Contemporary Poetry in English (3)
Medieval, Early Modern, and 18th-Century Literature (at least 3 units)
ENGL 315* Chaucer (3)
ENGL 317* Milton (3)
ENGL 423* Early American Literature (3)
ENGL/CPLT 450* Medieval Literature (3)
ENGL 451* Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama (3)
ENGL 452* Elizabethan Poetry and Prose (3)
ENGL 453* 17th- Century Poetry and Prose (3)
ENGL 455* Restoration and 18th Century Poetry and Prose (3)
ENGL 456* The Development of the English Novel Through Jane Austen (3)
CPLT 451* Literature of the Renaissance (3)
Electives (at least 12 units)
Any ENGL, CPLT, or LING courses numbered 201 or above that is not being used to meet other requirements will count as an elective, except for ENGL 301.
Senior Seminar (3 units)
ENGL 494 Senior Seminar
Early Literature Requirement
Of the 42 units required for the major, 3 units (beyond those satisfying the Medieval, Early Modern, and 18th-Century Literature requirement) must focus on literature before 1800. This requirement can be satisfied by completing ENGL 211, ENGL 221, CPLT 324, ENGL 416, or a second course in Medieval, Early Modern, and 18th-Century Literature. Courses fulfilling this requirement are marked with an [*].
Foundational Courses (9 units)
ENGL 300 Analysis of Literary Forms (3)
ENGL 302 Advanced College Writing for Teachers (3) or ENGL 307 Advanced College Writing in English Studies (3): Students planning to enter the secondary credential program must take 302. English majors must take 307.
ENGL 316 Shakespeare (3)
Survey Courses (at least 6 units)
ENGL 211 British Literature to 1760 (3)
ENGL 212 British Literature from 1760 (3)
ENGL 221 American Literature to 1865 (3)
ENGL 222 American Literature from 1865 (3)
CPLT 324~ World Literature to 1650 (3)
CPLT 325~ World Literature since 1650 (3)
Period, Genre and Criticism Courses
(at least 9 units, including at least 3 units from courses prior to 1800, i.e., 423, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456)
ENGL 423 Early American Literature (3)
ENGL/CPLT 450~ Medieval Literature (3)
ENGL 451 Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama (3)
ENGL 452 Elizabethan Poetry and Prose (3)
ENGL 453 17th- Century Poetry and Prose (3)
ENGL 454 The Drama of the Restoration and the 18th Century (3)
ENGL 455 Restoration and 18th Century Poetry and Prose (3)
ENGL 456 The Development of the English Novel Through Jane Austen (3)
ENGL 457 The Romantic Movement in English Literature (3)
ENGL 458 Victorian Literature (3)
ENGL 459 The Development of the 19th Century English Novel (3)
ENGL 460 19th Century American Fiction (3)
ENGL 462 Modern British and American Novels (3)
ENGL 463 Contemporary Novels in English (3)
ENGL 464 Modern British and American Drama (3)
ENGL 465 Contemporary Drama in English (3)
ENGL 466 Modern British and American Poetry (3)
ENGL 467 Contemporary Poetry in English (3)
ENGL 471 Postcolonial Literature (3)
ENGL 491 Traditions of English Literary Criticism (3)
ENGL 492 Modern Critical Theory (3)
Major Author Courses (at least 3 units)
ENGL 315 Chaucer (3)
ENGL 317 Milton (3)
Critical Language Studies (at least 3 units) *
ENGL 303 Structure of Modern English (3)
ENGL 305 The English Language in America (3)
Electives (at least 9 units) *
Any ENGL, CPLT, or LING courses numbered 201 or above, not used to meet other requirements, may be used as an elective, other than ENGL 301.
Senior Seminar (3 units) *
ENGL 494 Senior Seminar
* For students matriculating prior to Fall 2017: A) Choose between 303 and 305 only for Critical Language Studies; B) Take 12 units, not 9, of Elective Courses; and C) A Senior Seminar is not required